Beauty School Dropout? No Way!

Low-Cost Cosmetology School in Wisconsin Cuts Dropout Rate.
The topic of going to college and paying for it has been a major story in mainstream media for the past few years. While some argue against college and its costs, getting an education remains the most effective way to secure your future. Moreover, the resources of going to a cosmetology school in Wisconsin is even more affordable and attainable than you may realize. If you are still uncertain, follow these three steps.
1. Understand National Tuition Averages for Cosmetology Schools Are Lower Than National Higher-Education Averages.
The annual, national average for attending a public college stands out at approximately $9,650 for in-state students, but the average jumps to $24,930 for out-of-state students, reports CollegeBoard. But, that is only part of the equation. Students attending school for four years may spend up to $38,600 on tuition, excluding books, room and board. However, the average cost of attending a cosmetology school in Wisconsin is only $15,145 total, asserts TONI&GUY. That amounts to more than $20,000 in savings!
2. Consider Your Options Through Financial Aid Too.
Financial aid includes federal, state and local financial aid programs that may or may not require repayment.
For example, cosmetology students may apply for grants, including the Federal Pell Grant, which do not have to be repaid.
Students may also apply for Direct Loans from the U.S. Department of Education, including subsidized loans that do not earn interest while in school and unsubsidized loans that do earn interest from disbursement. Most importantly, Direct Loans are not based on credit.
Meanwhile, Direct Plus loans may be available to parents of students when financial needs are not a consideration in determining eligibility. Of course, traditional loans via banks and credit unions are also available.
Another option in financial aid is applying for scholarships. Companies and professional associations typically provide these to help students complete their educational aspirations. In fact, the American Association of Cosmetology Schools (AACS), of which State College of Beauty Culture is a member, publishes a great resource-list of scholarships for students considering cosmetology or beauty school.
3. Apply to Your School, and Fill out Your FAFSA.
Before you can take advantage of the lower costs and financial aid, you need to apply to the school of your choice. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a self-guided application to applying for financial aid. An applicant only needs the past year’s income information, income information for parents, personally identifying information, like a social security number and birth dates, to get started.
While students may complete the FAFSA before applying to a cosmetology school in Wisconsin, it may lead to some confusion. Students should know the FAFSA Code of the respective school to include in the application. This code ensures the school’s financial aid department receives the documentation and the processing of loans.
For example, the FAFSA Code for the State College of Beauty Culture is 009419.
As a result, it is recommended prospective students start with applying to a school first, and an admissions counselor will be able to help students navigate the process of applying for financial aid.
Put Those Beauty School Dropout Fears to Rest Forever!
Getting started with a new career in the beauty industry is an exciting time. There is no need to worry about its costs, and if necessary, you can apply for financial aid. Presto! Your fears of being a beauty school dropout are vanquished. To find out how you can take advantage of this affordable degree in a cosmetology school in Wisconsin, request a free starter kit now.